
So, we ran home from work tonight to scoop up the boys, skip soccer practice and head to a birthday party. We drive over and the conversation in the car goes about how it would at home.

Me: How was school, son?

C: Good.

Me: What did you do today?

C: I don’t know.

Me: Did you have computer class? or Gym?

C: No, we had sembly.

Me: Sembly?

K: You went to an assembly?

C: Yeah, it was everyone except ECP (the preschool) and K1 half-day. We had the half-day so they picked the student of the month.

Me: Oh yeah? Who was it for your class?

C: Lucia

Me: Yeah?

C: And Me.

K: What? You were student of the month?

C: Yeah. I got a pencil and a certificate and they took my picture and the principal said stuff about me.

K: Wow, congratulations son! What did the principal say?

C: I don’t know. I wasn’t listening.

So, yeah, student of the month for courtesy. The school has a “virtue of the month” (courtesy, compassion, sincerity, etc.) and each class picks their best example of that virtue. Luckily, we got this information right before we got to the party. Every other parent there knew about C’s award and was congratulating us. Had Mr. Modest not told us 2 minutes before we arrived, we would have been the embarrassed parents of the student of the month.

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