Harry Potter, M.D.

Who knew that the Harry Potter books could be used as health aids?

This morning, K and I were getting ready.  I was getting dressed, K drying her hair.  M came casually upstairs to see what we were up to (but not to get dressed or make his bed!).  The following conversation ensued:

K: Don’t let me forget to buy more drugs while we’re out today. (N.B. We all gave each other colds for Christmas.)
T: Okay.
M: Drugs are bad!
T: *guffawing*
K: Mommy meant medicine for her cold, not bad drugs. But, you’re right, drugs are bad for you.
M: What do they do to you?
K: What, drugs?
M: Yeah, what do they do that’s bad?
K: Well, they hurt your body and can do bad things to your brain.
M: Like the Cruciatis Curse?
K: Yes, just like that.
M: Okay then.

And, scene.  Who knew you could teach that drugs are bad by comparing them to unforgivable curses… Well, now we know, and knowing is half the battle.

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