
I personally believe that no park is worth our while if it doesn’t have swings.

While at the park on Boy’s Day, M decided he had graduated to the big boy swings. While swinging, he looked back at me. “I’m as big as you daddy!” He smiled an swung back down and away.

Our time on the swings was brief before he ran off and began climbing up one of the structures.

“Yes you are son,” I answered.

When does it happen? When is that threshold crossed, the baby to the toddler, the toddler to the boy? M made the jump much faster than C, and he’s growing every day. I’m afraid I’ll miss something. The toddler into…

While I’m watching them run around the park, a group of teenagers descends on the park. Abercrombie and American Eagle have thrown up all over them. Talking on your cell phone while you’re on the swings? Sacrilege, kids. Using words like ‘catched?’ You do your school sweatshirt proud.

Good god, don’t let them grow up into them. They’re going to grow up into them.

I need to pay more attention.

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